I love the idea of re-using old patterns for new projects -- the graphics and illustrations are so gorgeous! As a word of caution, if you are planning to make copies of your pattern, check the copyright first. Many pattern envelopes and illustrations were copyrighted, and quite a few of the vintage patterns have had their copyrights renewed, so you will want to do your research before making copies. Here is an article about copyright law and crafting.

Use old patterns to organize your sewing space, like these from Cathe Holden, Just Something I Made.
Use a pattern envelope to decorate a tote bag, like this one from georgiapeachez on Etsy.

Have a lazer cutter? Make pins to give as gifts, like these from Red Revival. Image from Poppytalk.
Use the tissue to wrap a gift! I also use the tissue inside gift bags and boxes. Heather Bullard
Use the tissue patterns to cover a lampshade. BHG
Use the illustrations in an art journal, like this one from Sandra Pearce.
Use the patterns for wallpaper! Image from Meet Me at Mikes.
You will want to check for copyright before doing this, but isn't this tote bag from the Tom Kat Studio darling?
I'm so excited about all these fun ideas for using my vintage pattern haul! Which projects would you do? Help me decide! Click here to check out more of the amazing vintage patterns found at our local Goodwill!

You might also like this post about making jewelry from fabric scraps.
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